Thursday, January 17, 2013

Windows Phone 8 Development - Day 0

I am an android phone user.  I have had an android phone for quite some time.  However being a Microsoft developer and knowing XAML I want to try out windows phone 8 development.

So I have been looking at buying a Windows Phone 8x and developing an application.  Before I plunge into a mobile phone platform switch I figured I should try to develop a simple app to see how I can leverage my .Net and XAML skills on the phone.

Googling (Being a good Microsoft guy I am sure I should use Bing instead) and Binged even sounds cool.
But after a search Google sent me to
Getting Started Developing for Windows Phone

Before reading any instructions on the screen I just went right to downloading the Windows 8 phone SDK.  This is when I found out I have to be running windows 8 to even develop a windows phone app.  This sure is a roadblock to trying it out. Not only do I need to buy a new phone, but I have to upgrade my OS on my development laptop.

I guess its off to installing windows 8, and visual studio 2012 so that I can do some windows development.

Note: If you want to get a Free Version of Visual Studio called Visual Studio Express.  This can be downloaded from

Visual Studio Express Download

1 comment:

  1. It's the same issue facing iOS developers, you have to have a Mac to do development. Although, you don't necessarily have to have the latest version of the OS before even beginning. And the Apple and Android SDK are free. I just looked up Visual Studio, it's $500!
